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If you think all the big political parties are the same - you're right! The bosses have got three parties - isn't it about time we had one of our own?
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Campaign for a New Workers' Party News
The weekend press has reported that student leaders plan to challenge Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, in Sheffield Hallam in 2015. But Clegg losing votes to the 2nd or 3rd place lets the Tories or Labour in (already cut tertiary education!). We need a new, national challenge - starting now, in the local elections 2011...
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Public Spending Review anything but 'fair'
“The cuts outlined in today’s Public Spending Review will cause untold suffering amongst workers and the poor, none of whom caused the present financial crisis,” Socialist Councilor Dave Nellist stated immediately after the Chancellor’s announcement...read more
The bosses have got three parties –
isn’t it about time we had one of our own?
Before the general election, New Labour, the Tories and the Lib Dems all pledged to make cuts ‘worse than Thatcher’! This was the choice working people were presented with on polling day. Not surprisingly, none of these wanna-be cutters was given a clear mandate, so we now have a ‘government of the losers’ in the form of the ConDem coalition...read more
TUSC plans for future elections
"THE Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is not the answer for everything that we need to do as a movement to resist the austerity measures that will come from this Tory-Liberal government", said the RMT transport workers' union general secretary, Bob Crow, to a post-election meeting of TUSC candidates last week...
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"What I say to people on the doorstep is we will only cut your throat slowly, the others will cut your head off" was a comment of New Labour MP for Blyth Valley in the North East, Ronnie Campbell, in a local paper...read more
Declarations of support have continued to come in for the newly-launched Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) general election challenge...read more
Launch of Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition Programme for General Election
The working class and peoples of Britain face a ruling class offensive which will intensify over the coming period.
It is an offensive against public services, incomes, living standards and trade union rights in order to boost monopoly profit...read more
Coalition to stand general election candidates
A coalition to stand trade union and socialist candidates in the general election has been launched by organisations and individuals who participated in ‘NO2EUYes to Democracy’, the left-wing coalition that stood in the European elections. We call on everyone who wants a working-class alternative presented at the general election to get involved...read more
RMT conference on political representation
The RMT transport union hosted an open-to-all conference on the crisis in working class political representation on Saturday 7 November. This followed the overwhelming backing given at the RMT's annual general meeting in July to the union's participation in the 'No2EU, Yes to Democracy' European election coalition, and a decision at that meeting to continue the discussion on the lack of working class political representation...read more
RMT Conference on the Crisis in Working Class Political Representation
Minutes from the RMT conference on political representation...
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Defend Public Services – make the councillors pay at the ballot box!
Supporters of the CNWP have been visiting picket lines across the country to show their support for striking postal workers. The message of support below was unanimously agreed to at the CNWP Steering Committee meeting last weekend...read more
The NoEU convenor Bob Crow, of the RMT, was refused a place on Question Time during the European elections. Now The Guardian and Independent have given the BNP and Nick Griffin saturation publicity but the NOEU, representing working-class interests and fighting racism and privatisation, got none...read more
Overwhelming support for breaking the Labour link in London CWU
An overwhelming 98% of postal workers in London have voted to withdraw CWU funding from the Labour Party. While this was only a consultative ballot it reflects the alienation and anger most postal workers feel towards the Labour Party...read more
London CNWP meeting, Monday 28th September 7:30pm, Exmouth Arms, Starcross Street, near Euston Station. All welcome...read more
Vote to Break the Link with New Labour!
CNWP officers met in London on Monday July 20th to assess the campaign's support for the trade union based Euro-sceptic No2EU electoral coalition and to plan the next moves for the CNWP itself...read more
No2EU: A step towards a workers' political voice
No2EU-Yes to Democracy brought together the RMT, the Socialist Party, the Communist Party of Britain, the Socialist Alliance, the Alliance for Green Socialism, supporters of the CNWP, some branches of Respect, and others. Amongst its candidates were leaders of the most militant struggles in Britain...read more
CWU members need a political voice
The return of Mandelson to the Government and the proposed privatisation of Royal Mail emanating from the Hooper Review should be the final confirmation to the leadership and activists in the CWU that the Unions relationship with Labour is an abusive one...read more
We need workers' MPs on a worker's wage
For a workers' alternative to the bosses' parties
THE NATIONAL UNION of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) has initiated an electoral alliance for the European elections that will be contesting all of the seats in England, Wales and Scotland in the elections on 4 June...read more
How can we really stop the BNP?
The following letter was carried in the Guardian on 29th April in response to Peter Hains comment piece on the threat of the BNP in the European elections...
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CNWP Trade Union officer Terry Pearce interviewed on the TUC-backed Put People First demonstration...
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The following letter was carried in the Guardian on Friday 20 March 2009. A longer article on the RMT & the European elections will be carried here soon...
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A new political party is needed, but what type of party?
It was reported in the Liverpool Daily Post on 17 March, that local solicitor and independent Tory councillor David Kirwan is planning to set up a new political party on Merseyside...read more
Merseyside CNWP public meeting
Workers strike back! The Lindsey Oil Refinery dispute. Thursday 26th March, 7:30pm at the Casa (bistro) 29 Hope Street, Liverpool...read more
What do union members get from Labour link?
A growing number of left activists in the trade unions are frustrated with the continued financial and political links between the unions and the Labour Party. This is hardly surprising given the attacks carried out on working-class people...read more
BNP bigots retreat under pressure
The origional Merseyside police decision to postpone Everton's home game on 14 March and disrupt the arrangements of thousands of football supporters to accommodate the poisonous activities of the racist BNP, beggars belief...read more
Wirral cuts: We need a new party
On 9 February around 150 people rallied at Wallasey town hall against the wholesale destruction of local services by Wirral council. Lively contingents with banners, flags and placards represented many local facilities under threat from the council...
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Interview with Greg Maughan from the CNWP
The following interview conducted by Christina Brooks was carried in the London Progressive Journal...
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Labour's abandoning of the working class
Increasingly, the media and politicians talk about the 'disadvantage suffered by white working-class people', and the need to 'listen to their concerns'...
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Conference: 'The crisis in working class political representation'
The rail union RMT-organised conference to "discuss the crisis in working class political representation" which took place on 10 January, was initiated by a resolution passed at last year's RMT conference...
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Building a left wing political alternative
Forty people including trade unionists, community campaigners and students attended the first London regional meeting of the Campaign for a New Workers' Party...read more
The working class needs its own mass party
The closing rally of Socialism 2008, hosted by the Campaign for a New Workers' Party, was on the theme of the fight for a working class political voice...read more
Socialists call for full nationalisation
Socialists have called for the £500 billion bailout of the banking system by the Labour government to be replaced by full-scale nationalisation...read more
The announcement of the nationalisation of Bradford and Bingley begs the question, if it's ok to bail out the bankers why couldn't the Government intervene to rescue other companies - for example Longbridge or Peugeot who've thrown thousands out of work...read more